LiveSpace localisation
28 April 2017
It is the staff on the ground who can choose the most appropriate offers and promotions presented to them in a drop down list on the screen…
28 April 2017
It is the staff on the ground who can choose the most appropriate offers and promotions presented to them in a drop down list on the screen…
28 April 2017
… MRG is moving forward to adopt the Agile software development technique called Scrum.
28 April 2017
LiveSpace combines a tablet device with any ordinary, widely available flat screen to manage the content displayed on the big screen. Customers choose what they want to display from the tablet devices menu…
28 April 2017
GBS2017 is a rare opportunity for us to network with and meet companies in an environment designed to assist local collaborations and cooperation.
24 February 2017
… Customers make their selections via the tablet device seen next to the screens. This additional information is then displayed on the screens below the summary screen, helping them to examine the information in greater detail and come to a decision.
03 February 2017
And with a growth in demand for land-based sports betting markets abroad, the range of solutions we offer are a great fit for any company with ambitions to expand.
03 February 2017
… managing screens effectively can be complex. Anyone with multiple screens at multiple locations will know the challenges of keeping price data and price changes displayed accurately.
03 February 2017
MRG uses HTML5 in conjunction with CSS3. The HTML part of templates specifies what is to be displayed and CSS controls how it is displayed - colour, font, size, location etc.
03 February 2017
Tube strikes can close large swathes of a network, roads can be gridlocked and bus queues might form to snake around a terminus. This is the very moment when timely and accurate travel information comes into its own.